Работа с командной строкой – теги и их значения

Список тегов и их значений, которые Вы можете отредактировать с помощью Exif Pilot & Batch Editing Plug-in, используя командную строку:

Name Tag/Enum Type/Meaning
/Exif/Image/NewSubfileType Number
/Exif/Image/BitsPerSample Number
/Exif/Image/Compression Number
1 Uncompressed
3 T4/Group 3 Fax
4 T6/Group 4 Fax
6 JPEG (old-style)
8 Adobe Deflate
10 JBIG Color
32766 Next
32773 PackBits
32809 Thunderscan
32895 IT8CTPAD
32896 IT8LW
32897 IT8MP
32898 IT8BL
32908 PixarFilm
32909 PixarLog
32946 Deflate
32947 DCS
34661 JBIG
34676 SGILog
34677 SGILog24
34712 JPEG 2000
34713 Nikon NEF Compressed
/Exif/Image/PhotometricInterpretation Number
0 WhiteIsZero
1 BlackIsZero
3 RGB Palette
4 Transparency Mask
6 YCbCr
8 CIELab
9 ICCLab
10 ITULab
32803 Color Filter Array
32844 Pixar LogL
32845 Pixar LogLuv
34892 Linear Raw
/Exif/Image/Description String
/Exif/Image/Make String
/Exif/Image/Model String
/Exif/Image/Orientation Number
1 Horizontal (normal)
2 Mirror horizontal
3 Rotate 180
4 Mirror vertical
5 Mirror horizontal and rotate 270 CW
6 Rotate 90 CW
7 Mirror horizontal and rotate 90 CW
8 Rotate 270 CW
/Exif/Image/SamplesPerPixel Number
/Exif/Image/XResolution Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/YResolution Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/PlanarConfiguration Number
1 chunky
2 planar
/Exif/Image/ResolutionUnit Number
1 no unit
2 inches
3 cm
4 mm
5 um
/Exif/Image/TransferFunction Number
/Exif/Image/Software String
/Exif/Image/DateTime String
/Exif/Image/Artist String
/Exif/Image/WhitePoint Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/PrimaryChromaticities Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/YCbCrCoefficients Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/YCbCrSubSampling Number
257 YCbCr4:4:4
258 YCbCr4:4:0
513 YCbCr4:2:2
514 YCbCr4:2:0
1025 YCbCr4:1:1
1026 YCbCr4:1:0
/Exif/Image/YCbCrPositioning Number
1 centered
2 co-sited
/Exif/Image/ReferenceBlackWhite Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Image/Copyright String
/Exif/Photo/ExposureTime Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/FNumber Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/ExposureProgram Number
0 Not defined
1 Manual
2 Normal program
3 Aperture priority
4 Shutter priority
5 Creative (Slow speed)
6 Action (High speed)
7 Portrait
8 Landscape
/Exif/Photo/SpectralSensitivity String
/Exif/Photo/ISOSpeedRatings Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/ExifVersion Format xxxx (example – 0220)
/Exif/Photo/DateTimeOriginal String
/Exif/Photo/DateTimeDigitized String
/Exif/Photo/CompressedBitsPerPixel Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/ShutterSpeed Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/Aperture Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/Brightness Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/ExposureBias Fraction (format: a/b)
Exif/Photo/MaxAperture Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/SubjectDistance Number
/Exif/Photo/MeteringMode Number
1 Average
2 CenterWeightedAverage
3 Spot
4 Multispot
5 Multi-segment
6 Partial
255 Other
/Exif/Photo/LightSource Number
0 Auto
1 Daylight
2 Fluorescent
3 Tungsten (incandescent light)
4 Flash
9 Fine weather
10 Cloudy weather
11 Shade
12 Daylight fluorescent (D 5700 òÀÓ 7100K)
13 Day white fluorescent (N 4600 òÀÓ 5400K)
14 Cool white fluorescent (W 3900 òÀÓ 4500K)
15 White fluorescent (WW 3200 òÀÓ 3700K)
17 Standard light A
18 Standard light B
19 Standard light C
20 D55
21 D65
22 D75
23 D50
24 ISO studio tungsten
255 other light source
/Exif/Photo/Flash Number
0 No Flash
1 Fired
5 Fired, Return not detected
7 Fired, Return detected
9 On
13 On, Return not detected
15 On, Return detected
16 Off
24 Auto, Did not fire
25 Auto, Fired
29 Auto, Fired, Return not detected
31 Auto, Fired, Return detected
32 No flash function
65 Fired, Red-eye reduction
69 Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected
71 Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return detected
73 On, Red-eye reduction
77 On, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected
79 On, Red-eye reduction, Return detected
89 Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction
93 Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return not detected
95 Auto, Fired, Red-eye reduction, Return detected
/Exif/Photo/FocalLength Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/SubjectArea Number
/Exif/Photo/UserComment String
/Exif/Photo/SubSecTime String
/Exif/Photo/SubSecTimeOriginal String
/Exif/Photo/SubSecTimeDigitized String
/Exif/Photo/FlashpixVersion Format xxxx (example – 2225)
/Exif/Photo/ColorSpace Number
1 sRGB
2 Adobe RGB
65535 Uncalibrated
/Exif/Photo/RelatedSoundFile String
/Exif/Photo/FlashEnergy Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/FocalPlaneXResolution Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/FocalPlaneYResolution Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/FocalPlaneResolutionUnit Number
1 no unit
2 inches
3 cm
4 mm
5 um
/Exif/Photo/SubjectLocation Number
/Exif/Photo/ExposureIndex Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/SensingMethod Number
1 Not defined
2 One-chip color area sensor
3 Two-chip color area sensor
4 Three-chip color area sensor
5 Color sequential area sensor
7 Trilinear sensor
8 Color sequential linear sensor
/Exif/Photo/CustomRendered Number
0 Normal process
1 Custom process
/Exif/Photo/ExposureMode Number
0 Auto exposure
1 Manual exposure
2 Auto bracket
/Exif/Photo/WhiteBalance Number
0 Auto
1 Manual
/Exif/Photo/DigitalZoomRatio Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Photo/FocalLengthIn35mmFilm Number
/Exif/Photo/SceneCaptureType Number
0 Standard
1 Landscape
2 Portrait
3 Night scene
/Exif/Photo/GainControl Number
0 None
1 Low gain up
2 High gain up
3 Low gain down
4 High gain down
/Exif/Photo/Contrast Number
0 Normal
1 Soft
2 Hard
/Exif/Photo/Saturation Number
0 Normal
1 Low
2 High
/Exif/Photo/Sharpness Number
0 Normal
1 Soft
2 Hard
/Exif/Photo/SubjectDistanceRange Number
/Exif/Photo/ImageUniqueID String
/Exif/Iop/InteroperabilityIndex String
/Exif/Iop/InteroperabilityVersion Format: xxxx (example – 0225)
/Exif/Iop/RelatedImageFileFormat String
/Exif/Gps/VersionID Number
/Exif/Gps/LatitudeRef String
N North latitude
S South latitude
/Exif/Gps/Latitude Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/LongitudeRef String
E East longitude
W West longitude
/Exif/Gps/Longitude Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/AltitudeRef String
0 Above sea level
1 Below sea level
/Exif/Gps/Altitude Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/TimeStamp Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/Satellites String
/Exif/Gps/Status String
A Measurement in progress
V Measurement Interoperability
/Exif/Gps/MeasureMode String
2 2-dimensional measurement
3 3-dimensional measurement
/Exif/Gps/DOP Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/SpeedRef String
K Kilometers per hour
M Miles per hour
N Knots
/Exif/Gps/Speed Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/TrackRef String
T True direction
M Magnetic direction
/Exif/Gps/ImgDirection Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/MapDatum String
/Exif/Gps/DestLatitudeRef String
N North latitude
S South latitude
/Exif/Gps/DestLatitude Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/DestLongitudeRef String
E East longitude
W West longitude
/Exif/Gps/DestLongitude Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/DestBearingRef String
T True direction
M Magnetic direction
/Exif/Gps/DestBearing Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/DestDistanceRef String
K Kilometers per hour
M Miles per hour
N Knots
/Exif/Gps/DestDistance Fraction (format: a/b)
/Exif/Gps/DateStamp String
/Exif/Gps/Differential Number
/Iptc/Envelope/FileName String
/Iptc/Envelope/Destination String
/Iptc/Envelope/ServiceIdentifier String
/Iptc/Envelope/EnvelopeNumber String
/Iptc/Envelope/ProductID String
/Iptc/Envelope/EnvelopePriority String
/Iptc/Envelope/UNO String
/Iptc/Application/ObjectType String
/Iptc/Application/ObjectAttribute String
/Iptc/Application/ObjectName String
/Iptc/Application/EditStatus String
/Iptc/Application/EditorialUpdate String
/Iptc/Application/Urgency String
/Iptc/Application/Subject String
/Iptc/Application/Category String
/Iptc/Application/SuppCategory String
/Iptc/Application/FixtureIdentifier String
/Iptc/Application/Keywords String
/Iptc/Application/LocationCode String
/Iptc/Application/LocationName String
/Iptc/Application/SpecialInstructions String
/Iptc/Application/ActionAdvised String
/Iptc/Application/ReferenceService String
/Iptc/Application/ReferenceNumber String
/Iptc/Application/Program String
/Iptc/Application/ProgramVersion String
/Iptc/Application/ObjectCycle String
/Iptc/Application/Byline String
/Iptc/Application/BylineTitle String
/Iptc/Application/City String
/Iptc/Application/SubLocation String
/Iptc/Application/ProvinceState String
/Iptc/Application/CountryCode String
/Iptc/Application/CountryName String
/Iptc/Application/TransmissionRef String
/Iptc/Application/Headline String
/Iptc/Application/Credit String
/Iptc/Application/Source String
/Iptc/Application/Copyright String
/Iptc/Application/Contact String
/Iptc/Application/Caption String
/Iptc/Application/Writer String
/Iptc/Application/RasterizedCaption String
/Iptc/Application/ImageType String
/Iptc/Application/ImageOrientation String
/Iptc/Application/Languaget String
/Iptc/Application/AudioType String
/Iptc/Application/AudioRate String
/Iptc/Application/AudioResolution String
/Iptc/Application/AudioDuration String
/Iptc/Application/AudioOutcue String


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